I'm Antonio and I want to build a house of bahareque (construction material similar to adobe, consisting of clay or mud reinforced with sticks or canes) in a privileged place of the
Venezuelan Andes. It will have a space to host visitors, who can hike in some
national parks, and there will be a meditation room for those who wish to
experience a simple and deep system of relaxation and meditation: Heartfulness absolutely free and open to everyone.
Experience sustainable living practice while staying in a house made with bio construction methods. See how we obtain natural gas with a bio-digester system to that will be used in the kitchen.
Walk through the mandala gardens learning about permaculture principles or vermiculture.
Visitors and the surrounding community will also have access to a unique library with a large amount of phisycal and digital information (literature, music and films).
The Project
The project will be done in 2 stages:
-First, the main house (construction area: 103 mts2) will be built with packed earth and will have a green roof.
Spaces: 2 bedrooms, 1 room/studio, living room, 2 bathrooms and external corridor.
-The second stage will be the meditation hall (construction area: 70 mts2) wich be made with a wattle and daub construction (bahareque) and carruzo (a type of bamboo) and will have a green roof also.
Spaces: Hall, little kitchen and bathroom.
I hope to achieve the goal with the support of people who are convinced, like me, that we must rethink life in a different way. It is possible another way of relating to us, even using new elements.
Today it is much easier to know tecniques and improve work strategies thanks to the internet and the flow of palpable knowledge between physical and virtual communities.
It is worth betting on this way of life. There is nothing to lose and yes much to gain.
I guarantee the investment of each contribution in Casandina: each contributor will receive proof (photo and invoice) of the money invested. And it will be a step towards the materialization of a space that you will enjoy.
Casandina: A model of life
A house where you can find yourself in a quiet environment that offers visitors healthy food, library, meditation room and walks to areas of different parks in the state of Mérida.
Collaborating and participating in this experience is to give strength to a natural tendency of the human being to identify with the simple of life.
It is important that this type of ideas foster the importance of not losing contact with what guarantees a healthy and happy life.
I invite you to experience a few days of peace away from the noise, with the possibility of enjoying the scenery, food and especially the trip to yourself.
Universal changes begin from one, from the being that dwells in each one of us. No religion or belief. No understanding will show us what we are. It's just a matter of experiencing it in silence and beyond words.